Interface LoopingOptions


  • LoopingOptions


loopImages?: "never" | "auto"

Looping mode for images.

  • never - no looping
  • auto - loops images if duration and threshold conditions are met


Duration and looping for a detailed explanation with examples.

Default Value


loopAudio?: "never" | "auto"

Looping mode for audio.

  • never - no looping
  • auto - loops audio if duration and threshold conditions are met


Duration and looping for a detailed explanation with examples.

Default Value


imageLoopThreshold?: number | "all"

Number of images (or all) that need to fit inside a loop for a loop to be created. Fitting is considered through the audio duration, the image durations (including transition durations) and end of input threshold.


Duration and looping for a detailed explanation with examples.

Default Value


audioLoopThreshold?: number | "all"

Number of milliseconds (or all) that need to fit inside a loop for a loop to be created.
Fitting is considered through the audio duration, the image durations (including transition durations) and end of input threshold.


Duration and looping for a detailed explanation with examples.

Default Value


endOfInputThreshold?: number | "auto"

Number of milliseconds to allow images or audio to go over the end of either input before looping is considered.
auto - the threshold is the last image's duration.


Duration and looping for a detailed explanation with examples.

Default Value


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